******** INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DYNAMIC MENU - V: 1.0 ******** > STEP 1: Define an array of your links. You can use any arbitrary name. Format: [ "Displayed text" , "URL" , "Target" ] ( Note: Use null for the URL and Target values to make a titlebar) Example: var menu1_links=new Array(); menu1_links[1]=[ "Menu 1" , null , null ]; menu1_links[2]=[ "Link 1" , "http://link1.com" , "" ]; menu1_links[3]=[ "Link 2" , "http://link2.com" , "" ]; menu1_links[4]=[ "Link 3" , "#scrollpoint" , "" ]; > STEP 2: Define an array of parameters for your menu. Format: [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ] 0=link text color 1=link text hover color 2=link text size 3=link text face 4=link backgroundcolor 5=link hover backgroundcolor 6=titlebar text color 7=titlebar backgroundcolor 8=border color 9=menu width 10=Each cell height 11=border width Example: var menu1_parameters=[ 'blue' , 'red' , '2' , 'serif' , 'gray' , 'lightgrey' , 'tan' , 'black' , 'white' , '150' , 'black' , 1 ]; > STEP 3: Create the menu. Format: variable_name=new dynMenu( menu_links_name , menu_parameters_name); Example: var menu1=new dynMenu( menu1_links , menu1_parameters ); > STEP 4: Done!